ABM Reflection

Today’s scripture readings offer a vision of some of what
makes for peaceful living in society. Having families and
planting gardens are signs of stability. Seeking the welfare of
the city, and so on. But these are no easy answers, and today’s
commemoration should sharpen our sensitivity to the needs
of all, the common good, and particularly to the cries of those
who have most often suffered oppression.

  • Pray that in celebrating our national identity our
    eyes are opened ever wider to see all who have
    suffered, that we work together for the common
    good of all.
  • Give thanks for the work and mission of Episcopal
    Relief and Development, based in the USA.

Text: Brother Christopher John SSF
© Anglican Board of Mission, 2024










































St Barnabas’ Parish Prayer


May the people of this Parish be never ceasing in prayer, so that we may all be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Help us to lead lives worthy of God, fully pleasing to him while bearing fruit in every good work.

May we all be made strong in the power of God, who rescues us from the powers of darkness and transfers us to the Kingdom of his Son in whom we have forgiveness of sins,
