ABM Reflection

Three miracles in one reading – Jesus feeds the crowds, Jesus
walks on water, and a boat turns up immediately at the shore
of the land to which the disciples were heading. It’s very easy
to disparage miracles in our modern day. We like to
rationalise much of what happens around us. But despite all
that, miraculous things happen around us every day: the birth
of a baby, the beauty of a flower, the love of a spouse or friend.
Sure, these can be explained rationally, but isn’t it better to
know, for example, how love feels rather than being given a
lecture about testosterone, oestrogen dopamine,
norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin and vasopressin. Sorry,
didn’t mean to kill the moment!

  • Lord, help us to see the miracles that occur all
    around us day by day. Help us never to lose our sense
    of wonder.
  • Give thanks for the Church of North India,
    remembering especially today their ministry in a
    predominantly non-Christian context.

Text: Robert McLean
© Anglican Board of Mission, 2024






































